Sexual Intimacy (Part 2)…

I was on my way in to Worship JESUS on Friday late afternoon / early evening and the Holy Spirit said something to me, “I have no sexual interest.”

That got my attention…

And then He said, “But I will give sexual pleasure to whoever the Father wills through you.”

He explained that He knew all about the mechanics of sexual pleasure and what gave pleasure to our partners, partners was the word which was used (which I’ve now defined further down in the post), but He Himself had no sexual interest…

Then I started thinking about that, because as men (speaking from a male perspective, as that’s the one I understand best, chuckling, but I believe this applies from a female perspective also, although the ranking or weighting of the components making up female sexual preferences, I believe, are different to those of us men) we do find that we have sexual preferences when it comes to women (rightly or wrongly, I’m not making a comment on that presently, although I have now addressed that further down in the post)…

For example, just speaking physically, certain hand & finger shapes, certain physical heights, certain facial structures (the different proportions of the elements of the face), certain hair styles, colours & lengths…

I could continue that list physically and I also believe that each of us as men (whether consciously or sub-consciously) also have (again rightly or wrongly, I’m not commenting on that presently) a list of sexual preferences from the perspectives of personality, mind, emotions, will & spirit (and I believe I’m getting that there is a weighting or a ranking in terms of which percentage of importance we each as men give to each of those aspects at any point in our lives)…

I believe all those aspects, physical, personality, mind, emotions, will (the word motivation comes to mind or what drives us with respect to our wills) & spirit form our individual sexual preferences as men (which is a changing, intangible, internal belief system indicating to ourselves as men what we desire in a sexual relationship with a woman)…

As we wander through life some women are attractive to us (and again, for now, to make this point, I’m not commenting on whether that’s a good or a bad thing) sexually and some are not…

Some women (which will differ for different men) we don’t find ourselves, as individual men, thinking about ‘that way’ (to use a phrase) and some we would (again not commenting on whether that is a good or bad thing, just endeavouring to make it understandable); I believe it’s the same, in that respect, for women with men…

This is what I mean when I say sexual preferences…

‘He’s just not into you’…

That phrase also comes to mind to describe the concept of sexual preferences (nothing necessarily wrong with the sexual desirability of that particular woman, she’s just not desirable to that particular man at that particular point in time based on his sexual preferences)…

I’m building up to a point here in case any of you are wondering where I’m going with this (smiling, laughing)…

So when the Holy Spirit said, “I have no sexual interest,” and I kind of sat up (internally in my brain) as I was driving into the Square and started to take notice, I believe what He was saying was – and this is the kicker – that to Him, living through us (as those who know Him), it does not matter who our sexual partner is (and I will explain this in greater detail following), He will Love them sexually through us, whether or not (rightly or wrongly) they are someone who fit within our current framework of sexual preferences (and again I’ll endeavour to discuss this further also)…

When the Holy Spirit shows me things He gets me to surrender to them…

I understand this process but for anyone reading this you may not…

It’s like He gets me to surrender to any eventuality in my life…

I believe He does this so I can intercede for others…

The intercessor’s life is, in many different ways (to those of us who haven’t yet experienced it at whatever level it feels weird to us), a weird one, one that is hard to understand (smiling, laughing, but I’m OK with it, Praise You Jesus, Joy, Hallelu-Yah!!! Hold me in this as I know only You can, “And I will.” Hallelu-Yah!!! Laughing out loud)…

So, the Holy Spirit, I believe, brought to my mind (I believe) many different nationalities (that was the sense I got, like it wouldn’t matter what the nationality was), the two I felt strongly were African (I saw curly hair) and Asian (straight hair comes to mind as I type) and He showed me – I believe using me as a generic example of the application of this principle, letting me feel the revelation – that it wouldn’t matter who He called me – again for the purpose of teaching me this and letting me feel it – to be given to in marriage – where they came from or anything about them, if it was Him, the Father, who was calling me to be married to them, then the Holy Spirit would Love them through me, as He has no sexual interest…

I got the point…

So, whether my, or any man’s (or any woman’s) set of sexual preferences is (I) Godly (which I believe I’m getting is experienced through our God-given personality free from any negative, a.k.a. sinful, influence on our lives, an aspirational reality to look forward to as He does His sanctification work in our hearts); or (II) a mixed hodge-podge of both genetics and the cumulative experiences and molding of our generations which have come before us along with the result of our own decisions, circumstances or experiences which we’ve had in life, separate from God; or (III) if we know the Lord, partly Godly and partly that mixed hodge-podge (which I’m guessing will pretty much be all of us who know the Lord presently); really doesn’t matter, because when any of us as men (or women), surrender to the Holy Spirit to live through us, then He, the Holy Spirit, who has no sexual interest, will give pleasure, sexually, as He knows all about the mechanics of sexual pleasure, to whomever the Father has given to us as partners…

[We only have one partner at a time, smiling, the Lord has shown me this previously also, we are only capable, in Him, of loving one person in those husband & lover areas (or wife & lover areas) at a time, one partner, ’til death do us part’ are the words which come to mind, although I believe in 1 Corinthians 7:15 there is a case where an unbelieving marriage partner chooses, finally, i.e. a final decision, to leave a believer where that would be the same, I believe, in that instance, as ’til death do us part’. That’s what I presently believe in that case. Give us wisdom Lord, that’s what I believe, if I’m wrong, please show me, please show us, because, “God has called us to peace” or words to that effect, that’s what I believe those words mean. “Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace.”]

There’s a thought (a depressing one) which may come to us, ‘I’ll never know sexual intimacy or that deep feeling of connection and mutual respect in sexual intimacy because I’m with the wrong person.’

This thought is very destructive and I don’t believe it is from God (smiling, “It’s not.” Laughing. Praise You Jesus. Hallelu-Yah!!! Smiling. Joy)…

1 Corinthians 7 is an amazing chapter of scripture, so amazing…

In this chapter the Apostle Paul tells us to remain in the condition in which we were when we were called (a.k.a. saved)…

Each man must remain in that condition in which he was called. (1 Corinthians 7:20)

Where do we find ourselves right now? Let’s remain there…

If we’re presently married (speaking of adult informed consent biological male to biological female marriage here), which is what the Holy Spirit was referring to when I believe He said, “partners” while I was driving in to the Square, lets remain married, let’s not seek to leave whoever it is that we are presently married to…

Do we, if we’ve had that depressing thought I mentioned above, come regularly (or even just once) into our brains, see how liberating this is? Smiling. I’m so happy as I’m typing this because I feel it will liberate so many of us in the Body of Christ, I feel this. Hallelu-Yah!!! “It will. This revelation will set many in My Body free. Many,” declares the Lord your God. “Watch and see. Watch and see. Watch and see. I love you,” Jesus.

Let’s allow the Holy Spirit, who has no sexual interest, and now I’m speaking of both males & females (biological males & biological females), all of us as brothers and sisters in the Lord, to love our singular, unique, marriage partner (whether they know the Lord or whether they don’t, no matter what they look like, using the physical again as an example – this is challenging in the case where our marriage partner has a disfiguring disease, or severe burns to the face or any tumors or boils, basically anything which we would not naturally find attractive – Lord help us if this is to be any of our lot in life) sexually through us… “I will do this. Even in that case of disfigurement Andrew, I will do this. I am Mighty and I, My Love, will prevail,” declares the Lord your God.

The Joy we experience in this (I know by revelation as I speak) is enough for us and so satisfying…

No regrets…

If we find ourselves (let’s go there in our minds) in the perfect marriage (smiling) where both of us know the Lord and our personalities (freed from any negative effects of sin, I believe it’s possible one day that the Holy Spirit can live through those of us to whom He gives that desire, 100% of the time) are matched in terms of our sexual preferences, husband and wife, even if we feel that we know that the Lord has brought us together in marriage and we even believe He told us to be married to each other, even in that, the most perfect of possible marriages (let’s imagine we find ourselves there), it is only the Holy Spirit, who has no sexual interest, who is able to selflessly love our partner, even though it’s the right person and we know its the right person and we are on ‘cloud 9’ relishing the thought of enjoying sexual intimacy with them, in some ways this is even harder, because we’ll be tempted to think, ‘we’ve got this, we don’t need the Holy Spirit,’ but if we ‘have at it’ without Him then we will indulge our own selfishness (wanting our partner to ‘give it to us’ just the way we imagine them doing so in our minds – whether consciously or sub-consciously) and our perfect opportunity will backfire into a guilt fest where we look back and feel empty and question why…

Even this is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to shine (smiling) as He will bring us through this to see that He has no sexual interest and that He is the Servant and that He is Serving the Father on our behalf enabling us both, husband and wife, to serve each other in other-centered love as we are brought together in sexual intimacy (I feel that the perfect scenario is even harder, counter-intuitively, I do, but that’s a good thing as it will make us trust in the Lord. Hallulu-Yah!!!)…

So, no matter where we (as believers in Jesus – Yeshua) presently find ourselves (and I’m not speaking about abusive relationships here, maybe that’s a topic for another time?), we are fully able to love our partner (our marriage partner as I defined and clarified above) selflessly in the area of sexual intimacy…

We are (nodding), and because the Holy Spirit has no sexual interest He can override wherever our sexual preferences may presently be at (in our own individual continuums of sanctification and surrender) as we surrender to Him to live through us and we can (and will in this place, smiling) experience other-centered love making (sexual intimacy) towards our partners in marriage (smiling, Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Lord Holy Spirit, We Worship You, Joy)…

(Ps. I believe this post follows on, in some way, from my previous post Sexual Intimacy…)

About andrew james horton

Hi, my name is Andrew James Horton... I am from Nu Tireni (New Zealand), born (05 September 1971) in Karaitiana (Christchurch), now in my early fifties... I am blessed to be married with five children and six grandchildren... :-) I am at present a Principal Structural Engineer living in Christchurch, New Zealand... I am passionate about prophetic intercession and about revival both in New Zealand and throughout the world... I am passionate to pray that the Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, will be all that He - the Lord Jesus Christ - desires her to be in our generation... Back in early September 2010 I felt that the Lord gave me the name of this blog site, "a house of prayer for the nations - prophetic intercession for worldwide revival" and wanted me to "put it out there" and start recording the prayers which were on my heart to pray in the hope that others would also be encouraged to share the prayers which were on their hearts to pray and that in the unity of the Spirit we could participate together in this activity in different locations around the world as He led us... If the Lord leads you, let's join together in prayer for the Lord's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in our generation... Love to All, Andrew
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