Open Letter: To All Who Believe in Jesus (Yeshua) Worldwide…

More than ever before we are experiencing the Lord’s Peace and the Lord’s Delight in us on the earth…

The Lord is making Himself – Father, Son (Jesus/Yeshua) & Holy Spirit – real to us on the earth…

More than ever before, we are experiencing the Unity of the Holy Spirit in our hearts towards our brothers and sisters in Christ (the Anointed One) our Messiah; Yeshua Hamashiach…

The Love of God is being shed abroad in our hearts as brothers and sisters in the Lord more than at any time previously on earth…

We are being made one…

The Holy Spirit is flowing through us more than ever before and He is taking over in us who know Him on the earth…

It is effortless and pronounced…

It is real…

He is producing the Trust in the LORD (Yahweh) in us each…

He is doing this Himself… 🙂

Wherever we presently find ourselves in our individual experiences of the LORD, we are growing in maturity with Him…

He is doing this Himself, Sovereignly…

He has come, His Presence has come to earth and He will not leave until He accomplishes all that He has been sent to accomplish…

The Holy Spirit is being poured out upon all flesh and the Knowledge of the Glory of the LORD will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea…

This is His Time and we, His Body on the earth, will shine, for He, His Zeal, will make us shine… 🙂

Everything that can be shaken, in us, in us who know Him, will be shaken, so it is time for us to hand everything over to Him…

We, His Body on the earth, will be resplendent in Glory before Him when He comes…

This is what we are – as the Holy Spirit Lives through us – preparing ourselves corporately, as an entire Body, for…

His Return…

Our Marriage to Him… 🙂

Nothing is to remain in us from who we used to be before we knew Him…


This is where we are heading…

This is the direction of the Flow of His Spirit in our hearts…

There is no control in this for us, none…

There is also no pride…

We cannot do this to ourselves, hence no control and because we can’t do this to ourselves there is no glory for our former selves in this transformation which the Holy Spirit produces in us, hence there is no pride…

Where we are going, there is no control and no pride…

For there to be no control in us means that we have died to the desires of our former selves…

As we start to experience the Holy Spirit Living His Desires through us – His Kingdom being Lived through us – we realize that we didn’t do this, He did…

We find ourselves, situation by situation, realization by realization, lost in awe at what the Lord is achieving in us and we are caught up in gratitude and humility towards Him… 🙂

Whatever we encounter around us on the earth, whether that be death or sorrow or suffering or sickness, the Holy Spirit Living through us will enable us to know, what, if anything, we are to do in each and every situation, even if that situation involves our own family members, our own blood or our own dear friends who we have known and had relationship with for many years…

When we have no control, we have no control over the decisions we make…

We have given that place to the Holy Spirit (Clapping, Laughing, Joy)… 🙂

He is Lord on earth…

He is here… 🙂

Positionally, the Father and Jesus are up in heaven…

The Holy Spirit is here and He is inside us, all of us who believe in the Lord, and He is more and more and more living through us on the earth…

As we yield more and more and more to Him, He has place in our hearts on the earth and what He has been sent to accomplish is accomplished on the earth… 🙂

Whatever we encounter, from whoever we encounter it, is not a surprise to the Holy Spirit Living through us…

He is able to handle it and He will handle it through us…

It takes us by surprise but He will ‘right our ship’ or ‘even our keel’…

He will – Smiling – He will…

We are living in unprecedented times where being in that state of quiet surrender to the Lord – a state where we have yielded ourselves to Him and admitted that we can’t ‘keep’ ourselves or ‘improve’ ourselves, but we’ve yielded ourselves to Him to rest in Him and let Him do with us whatever He wants to do – is literally a matter of life or death on the earth…

The stakes have been elevated, but we, as the Body of Christ on the earth, have been elevated with them…

We have unprecedented closeness with the LORD offered to us…

The Knowledge of the LORD (i.e. experiencing Yahweh Living with us and through us) has never been experienced as deeply as what we are, as the Body of Christ on earth, presently experiencing…

The Light is shining brighter than ever before and it will keep shining, brighter and brighter and brighter, until He returns to earth…

Our faith is being placed in no one else but Jesus…

Our life is being placed in no one else but Jesus…

Our longevity on the earth is being placed in no one else but Jesus…

As “darkness” has been permitted to “cover the earth, and gross darkness the people:” – through the experimental injection regime which has been permitted to be rolled out in many nations around the world – the LORD is causing us, as those who know Him on the earth, to “Arise, shine;” for our “light has come” (Isaiah 60:1-2)…

In the days and years ahead, the results of the experimental injection roll out will become painfully obvious…

There will be death… 😦

If it is our time, as believers in Jesus, to die, if we like Moses are being taken, then the Lord will enable us to hand on our calling and mantles to those Joshua’s who are following along behind us…

Like Elijah with Elisha…

If we are counted as those in the Joshua Generation, to continue on upon the earth, then we will know the Lord’s protection over us, no matter what transmission of spike proteins come our way…

We will be supernaturally protected…

This is the storm, and we are in it…

But He, the LORD, is The Storm; He has allowed all this evil to expose itself and He is in ultimate control (Quiet Smiling)…

We, those who are His on the earth, wherever we are at, wherever we’ve been at, are right now being lifted up to Trust the LORD and be with Him in the Eye of the Storm…

In a place of Peace and Tranquillity which is Supernatural and impossible to our former selves…

Father, in Jesus Name, Lord Holy Spirit, we release Your Peace and Tranquillity on the earth…

We choose LORD (Yahweh), our Father, to stand with You in the Eye of the Storm, until this storm has passed over, until You have delivered us; we choose to stand in Your Embrace, holding tightly to You as our only Hope and Security…

“I have received you… I have received all like you… You are welcome in Me… Rest and Wait… Trust Me… I will deliver you… No one will touch you… Trust Me… Trust Me… Trust Me… And Wait… Wait… Wait… And Wait… Wait… Wait… I am Working… Stand still in Your Faith and Trust towards Me… Stand Still in Your Faith and Trust towards Me… Stand still in Your Faith and Trust towards Me… I love you, I love you all,” Jesus ❤

About andrew james horton

Hi, my name is Andrew James Horton... I am from Nu Tireni (New Zealand), born (05 September 1971) in Karaitiana (Christchurch), now in my early fifties... I am blessed to be married with five children and six grandchildren... :-) I am at present a Principal Structural Engineer living in Christchurch, New Zealand... I am passionate about prophetic intercession and about revival both in New Zealand and throughout the world... I am passionate to pray that the Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, will be all that He - the Lord Jesus Christ - desires her to be in our generation... Back in early September 2010 I felt that the Lord gave me the name of this blog site, "a house of prayer for the nations - prophetic intercession for worldwide revival" and wanted me to "put it out there" and start recording the prayers which were on my heart to pray in the hope that others would also be encouraged to share the prayers which were on their hearts to pray and that in the unity of the Spirit we could participate together in this activity in different locations around the world as He led us... If the Lord leads you, let's join together in prayer for the Lord's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in our generation... Love to All, Andrew
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