From Here Until The End…

I’ve been communicating with a brother (who I respect) on Facebook Messenger about what happens from here until the end when Jesus returns to reign on earth from Jerusalem… πŸ™‚

I received a post from him this evening and took it before the Lord…

The Lord said, “Tell him”…

So, in obedience to the Lord, I’m going to publicly release, so everyone can see (and take before the Lord if they so choose), what I believe the Lord has told me about this topic (I believe it is between every individual believer before the Lord as to what they believe before Him on this topic, the following is what I believe before Him)…

First, I feel to share my testimony to date (it won’t be a full testimony, just whatever I feel led to share), if you want to skip the ‘Testimony’ segment just head down to where it says, ‘From Here Until The End’… πŸ™‚


I was born in Christchurch, New Zealand on 05 Sep 1971, my parents knew the Lord and my grandparents on my mother’s side knew the Lord (at that stage neither of my father’s parents knew the Lord but I believe they did come to know the Lord at the very later stages of their individual lives – I’ll know that for sure when I meet the Lord)…

My first awareness of the Lord was when I was around 3 years old (I guess 1974/75) when I remember saying to my older sister (she’s two years older than me), ‘Let’s pray for the missionaries’ (I felt the Lord in that experience and as I remember it now, I know that the Lord had given me a new heart and a new spirit at that stage)…

When I was 5 (I guess 1976/77), one night over in Adelaide, Australia (my sister and I shared a bedroom at that rental), I remember I had an experience with the Lord where He showed me that I was a sinner and that if I died that night I would go to hell. I knew in this experience that Jesus had done something for me on the cross so that I wouldn’t need to go to hell. I accepted what Jesus had done and then the Lord showed me that what that meant would be that He would remove all sin from me. I felt a real opposition to this inside me but I nodded my head on the inside and agreed with the Lord. That was my salvation experience. After it was over, I looked over at my sister’s bed (as if to say, ‘what just happened there?’) and she was sleeping (I didn’t wake her up or tell my parents). That was my first real encounter with or experience of God…

When I was 11 (it was towards the end of 1982) I was walking down our school driveway and I heard a voice which said to me, “If you’re a Christian then you need to behave like one” (it really took me aback). I had been joining in on things at school which weren’t right so I took that as a rebuke. Unfortunately, I didn’t really understand how to interpret what the voice had spoken to me (I now know I should have asked, ‘How do I do this?’) so this really began my legalistic phase where I tried really hard to be good. This legalistic phase continued on until 1995 (as below)…

At the age of 15 (in 1986) I felt strongly that I wanted to be baptized in water. This occurred at my then local open brethren church here in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was a beautiful experience and I truly felt clean afterwards on the inside…

During 1992 (roughly age 21), I read the book, ‘Revival’ by Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones. This book truly changed my life. As I read it I felt a fire burning in me to see Revival in my generation. It was the ‘real deal’. It made an impact on me…

In early 1994 (from memory), I read, ‘Rees Howells Intercessor’ by Norman Grubb. This book gripped me and I remember kneeling in my parent’s front garden giving myself to the Lord for Him to use me as He had used Rees Howells (still to this day remembering that book and that moment moves me deep inside, there’s a stirring)…

The following year (from early May to early September 1995) I had a major depression experience (where I thought I’d lost my salvation) where the Lord took me very deep in terms of seeing who I was without Him (i.e. what I was before He intervened in my life)…

He taught me a number of important lessons (I’m probably not aware of them all and won’t remember them all below) which I hope, by His Grace, will stay with me until He returns…

(1) He showed me that I was Adam (i.e. that I was ‘the sinner’), (2) He showed me that I couldn’t do anything for His Glory, (3) He showed me (via the way the depression experience ended) that He was waiting for me to give up so He could believe through me, (4) He showed me that you don’t know that there’s rock at the bottom until you hit rock bottom & (5) He showed me that He has a timetable for removing all the sin in my life and accepts me as I am right now at the stage I’m at in Him…

After this, back in late 1995, I was on a run one day with my walkman (yes, that amazing battery powered technology which allowed you to play cassette tapes while you were running πŸ™‚ ), listening to a worship album I’d be lent by Randy Rothwell…

I speak of what happened here

This experience had a huge impact on my life. Looking back on this as I write this testimony now I’m only just now starting to see how huge an impact that experience had on me. It has shaped the rest of my life until this day (it really has, so much)…

During 1997 I started to thirst for the Holy Spirit, I attended an outdoor worship event each Friday evening called, ‘Worship Without Walls’ led in the Square here in Christchurch at the time by Rick Stokes…

My thirst for the Holy Spirit grew and I started attending a charismatic baptist church here in Christchurch in 1998 and went forward to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, nothing happened at that time…

In November 1999 I attended an ‘Intercessors for New Zealand’ conference at Woodend where again I requested prayer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was prayed for by Pastor Warren Lyons (whom I have greatly respected for his input into my life) and again nothing happened immediately (that night) but the next morning I woke up praying in tongues…

Sometime (probably second quarter) in 2010 one day as I walked back to my apartment in Manila from work (I was working over there at the time) I started getting these words coming out of me and couldn’t stop them, ‘Fill me with Your Holy Fire’. I got into the apartment and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night hearing generators going and went to my bed. As I was lying on my bed meditating about Jesus’ appearance described as being like fire (Ezek 1:27), I had an experience of God. I felt that God came into my studio apartment and His Presence was so strong and so weighty that I couldn’t stay on the bed, I had to lie face down on the floor (I can remember the smell of the dust on my floor). I couldn’t look up or open my eyes and could hardly breathe (I was crying so hard but no tears were coming out). I saw myself as so dirty (where before this event I had thought I was quite clean really), I was like a dirty sheep (that’s what came to mind) and I asked Him to kill me (sounds extreme but that was the depth of the Fire which was on me, I wanted Him to kill me so that evil could be removed). I have no idea how long that experience lasted but when I woke up the next morning I realized that Manila had been hit with a typhoon and that all the power had gone out…

Back in Christchurch in 2011, around May I believe, and the desire was strong in me again to be baptized with His Holy Fire, I remember going for a walk and the desire was so strong I felt like there was nothing else worth living for, I wanted His Fire so badly and that’s all I wanted…

This year, 2020, the Lord has told me that it is time, that His Move is “Now”. I was sitting at the piano worshiping Him earlier this year and suddenly He started proclaiming in song over me, “All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to you, All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to you, Go, In My Name, And I will go with you, Go, In My Name, and I will go with you”…

He was commissioning me, the time of the Call is “Now”…

From Here Until The End

I believe the Lord has shown me that we are presently in a time which I’ll call (because He hasn’t given me a name for it) ‘the Rev 2:22 phase’. I believe this phase, from what He’s told me will be of 6 months duration worldwide, having begun on 22 Feb 2020. During this 6 month phase is an opportunity for the Church and the world to choose to repent from the deeds of the Jezebel spirit (a.k.a. control/witchcraft)…

This is a sifting phase, what it requires from us as a Body is to individually renounce control and striving (all the deeds of witchcraft) and choose to rest in Him (Ps 46:10), surrendered to Him as our only source of Life and Goodness (sheltering under Christ Our Passover, Righteous Under His Blood Alone). Our only Power (basically to be comfortable that, “apart from Me you can do nothing” as Jesus said in John 15:5b) and that anything Good expressed through us (from here on out) will be Him Living through us (by the Power of His Holy Spirit) as He works it in us (in Peace, Rest and Unity), taking on His Easy Yoke (Matt 11:30)…

In terms of the world, those who have been practicing witchcraft/Satanism are being given this six month period to repent…

This phase will be followed by what I’ll call ‘the Rev 2:23 phase’ which I believe from what the Lord has told me will follow immediately after the ‘Rev 2:22 phase’ and be for a period of 9 months worldwide. This is a time of judgement against the children of Jezebel worldwide. Those either in the Body or in the world who have not repented from her works will be removed from the earth (this is incredibly sobering but has been written for many generations, by Jesus Himself, and will certainly come to pass)…

Those in the Body will be protected by His Peace but taken home by the Lord, He will remove their soul and their spirit from their bodies and they will go to be with Him (in glory, where they will know Him perfectly), their bodies remaining dead on earth…

Those in the world, who do not want to repent from the works of Jezebel, who directly worship Satan, will die and go to Hades to await final judgement (not all non-believers on earth will die during these 9 months, only those who directly worship and serve Satan under the Jezebel spirit)…

As Rev 2:23 states, all the Churches will see this happen. It will be worldwide. It will send a message from the Lord to the Churches worldwide (about our position of ‘nothingness’ before Him, only His Power through us, only Him living through us is our Life)…

After this time, the Lord will begin moving in worldwide Salvation…

I believe what He has told me is that it will be “at least 50 years” until the entire world is saved from the end of the ‘Rev 2:23 phase’ and worshiping Him together from our individual places at a single point in time…

Following this event, the worldwide worship of Jesus – which is the climax of His Accomplishments on earth (the Joy of His Heart) – I believe He has told me that there will be a period of “at least 30 years” further between this time and when the Anti-Christ is revealed on earth (the beginning of the last 7 years before Jesus comes to reign on earth from Jerusalem)…

During this time, I believe He has shown me that those living in the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire Region’ – which includes Australia as the ‘Great Southland of the Holy Spirit’ and every nation (including the USA) whose coast ‘touches’ the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire Region’ – will remain 100% saved…

Nations outside of this region will not remain 100% saved, there will be a ‘falling away’ (i.e. a ‘not coming to salvation’) among those new babies being born after the time when the whole world worshiped at a single moment in time…

During the time when the Anti-Christ is revealed on earth, there is safety within the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire Region’ from the Anti-Christ. I believe this is the woman hidden in the wilderness from Rev 12:6 (I also believe many Israeli by blood believers will flee to the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire Region’ during this time). Those within this region will pray against the Anti-Christ and for the protection of our fellow brothers and sisters ‘until death’, for those who believe they should remain in their nations outside this region during this time…

Those who know the Lord outside the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire Region’ during the final 3.5 years of the Anti-Christ’s time on earth will experience martyrdom for Jesus (the Lord hasn’t told me if every single one will be martyred but I do know there will be martyrdom experienced, both from what the Lord has shown me and via scripture, Rev 20:4)…

The Lord will give each of us, as members of His Body alive at that time, wisdom to know where we should be (geographically on earth) during that time (that final 3.5 years, which occurs directly after the initial 3.5 years). He will show us, I know this. There will be Peace to know where we should each be. Each will be where we should be. No one will be lost. No one will turn against the Lord who knows Him. No one will lose their faith…

At the end of this period I believe Jesus will return to the air, pick up the dead in Christ (from all time), pick up those alive at His coming and transform us all (dead and alive) into our new incorruptible glorified bodies and then we will ride down to earth with Him (and the armies of heaven) and be with Him when His Feet stand on the Mount of Olives and He takes up His throne in Jerusalem for a thousand years (“And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thess 4:17b)… πŸ™‚

About andrew james horton

Hi, my name is Andrew James Horton... I am from Nu Tireni (New Zealand), born (05 September 1971) in Karaitiana (Christchurch), now in my early fifties... I am blessed to be married with five children and six grandchildren... :-) I am at present a Principal Structural Engineer living in Christchurch, New Zealand... I am passionate about prophetic intercession and about revival both in New Zealand and throughout the world... I am passionate to pray that the Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, will be all that He - the Lord Jesus Christ - desires her to be in our generation... Back in early September 2010 I felt that the Lord gave me the name of this blog site, "a house of prayer for the nations - prophetic intercession for worldwide revival" and wanted me to "put it out there" and start recording the prayers which were on my heart to pray in the hope that others would also be encouraged to share the prayers which were on their hearts to pray and that in the unity of the Spirit we could participate together in this activity in different locations around the world as He led us... If the Lord leads you, let's join together in prayer for the Lord's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in our generation... Love to All, Andrew
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