The Future of the Church – Indigenous Leadership…

In my previous post, The Future of the Church, I mentioned that the first thing which will occur in the future of the Church is that the individual Churches who will remain, will sit in silence waiting for the Lord to release His vision as to their continued existence, i.e. whether He wants them to continue existing and if He does what it is that He has planned for them to do, and then to continue to sit in silence (believing) waiting for Him to provide the finances necessary for them to pursue that vision…

Those ‘churches’ who will not remain will not do the above and will be removed by the Lord, their candlesticks will be ‘snuffed out’ by the Lord…

Either more and more and more people will leave these ‘churches’ disillusioned with the lack of genuinely Holy Spirit inspired life, freedom and vitality which they possess or the Lord will open up the eyes of those who belong to such organisations what is being practised in the darkness in these organisations, bringing everything hidden in the darkness to light…

As the Lord does this, people will leave these dying organisations seeking for the real thing and they will join those Churches who are seeking the Lord for His vision and waiting for His provision, in humility and meekness, in submission to the Lord…

As we wait, the Lord will speak to us about Indigenous Leadership…

I am a white male…

I was born in New Zealand to white parents…

My mother was born in Birkenhead, England to white parents…

My mother’s lineage is English…

She emigrated to New Zealand in the early 1950’s…

My father was born in Blenheim, New Zealand to white parents…

My father’s lineage is a mixture of Scottish and English…

On the inside, I feel like England is my home (my native soil)…

I’ve felt this for a number of years (it’s been a growing realisation for me)…

I believe that New Zealand is the home of Maori…

The Maori people have authority or power or mana in the land of Aotearoa (the land of the long white cloud)…

They were given this land by the Lord…

Paul tells us in Acts 17:26 that the Lord set the boundaries for the people and gave the different pieces of land all over the world to those whom He wanted to give them to…

and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, (Acts 17:26 NASB)

When the Maori stand up in New Zealand and speak the word of the Lord over this nation, this nation will be in Revival…

This is what we are waiting for, for unity among the various Maori tribes or iwi (including the Moriori who are just another Maori tribe who went to the Chatham Islands) and then a council of Maori elders who are in the Lord to stand up and welcome the Lord to possess and fill Aotearoa with His Long White Cloud of the Presence of the Holy Spirit…

The ministries which this council of Maori elders welcome to minister in New Zealand in the name of the Lord will be blessed and flourish in this nation but not without the blessing of these Maori elders, we need their invitation and they – in the sight of God – have rangatiratanga in this land, over the land…

Permission is required from these Maori elders, once they arise, to minister in this land, they are to be the spiritual gatekeepers of this land…

This is God’s Divine Order…

What have we seen instead of this?

The marginalization of Maori believers in New Zealand…

And yet we ask God for Revival?

How can there be Revival when the covenant which was made before God has not been honoured?  When Divine Order has not been executed?

The Lord’s blessing is released when brothers dwell together in unity…

Has this occurred within the Churches of New Zealand?

Paul went to Ephesus and set up a Church in Ephesus teaching the believers for three years and then set in place Indigenous Leadership before leaving…

This was the Apostolic pattern, go, preach, people get saved, baptised, baptised in the Holy Spirit, taught, elders are appointed to look after the people and the Apostolic team moves on and does it again in the next province or nation…

The Apostolic team didn’t settle down in the foreign territory and create a kingdom based around themselves…

They understood that the power came from the Indigenous People, the Tangata Whenua, having responsibility for the Spiritual Authority over their own land over the believers in their own land…

This is where the power comes from…

Who are the Tangata Whenua of Jerusalem?  To whom was Jerusalem given to by the Lord?  To the Jews…

Who are the Jews?  Well, the sign set above Jesus’ head as He died said, “The King of Jews” so we know that Jesus was a Jew and that the sign set above His Head was a true Prophetic Statement…

The Jews are all the physical descendants of Abraham, via Isaac and via Jacob, Jesus Himself was a descendant of Jacob’s son Judah as He was born of a Jewish mother via Mary…

Who therefore has true Spiritual Authority in Jerusalem?

Those physical descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel to whom Jerusalem and all the territory of Israel was given…

Were the ‘Ashkenazi Jews’, whom the Rothschild family identify themselves as being apart of, descended from one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel?

The Rothschild family paid for the establishment of the Knesset, the Parliament Buildings in Jerusalem where the Israeli Government sit and have a street heading up to the Knesset named after themselves, Rothschild Street…

But are the Rothschild family and are the ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ really Jews or are they actually usurpers of those who are really intended by the Lord to have spiritual authority over their land, i.e. the true physical descendants of the land?

We see that the native American Indians have had their place, their mana, their rangatiratanga, their turangawaewae, stolen from them by usurpers…

We also see that the Australian Aboriginals have had their place, their mana, their rangatiratanga, their turangawaewae, stolen from them by usurpers…

We also see that the New Zealand Maori have had their place, their mana, their rangatiratanga, their turangawaewae, stolen from them by usurpers…

What does this mean?

The Lord knows who He gave the lands to…

The Lord knows who He had in mind as being guardians of the individual boundaries which He set…

He knows…

And He will honour that authority…

It is those who have authority on their lands…

They have – in the spirit – the ability to welcome the Lord and the Lord’s people to minister life to those lands…

When usurpers are in control there is a false authority system in place and true authority cannot function…

There is no blessing…

So if we find ourselves as a foreigner residing in a land in which we are not the Tangata Whenua (the people of the land), what do we do?

We pray that the Lord will uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow all false authority systems in place in that land and then build and plant all true authority systems in that land under true Spirit-led Indigenous Leadership…

This is in line with the call of Jeremiah in scripture…

The Lord called Jeremiah to be a Prophet to the Nations, as such here was his Divinely given mandate…

Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10 NIV)

This is the Lord’s intention in giving us this Prophetic Mantle…

False authority is not of the Lord, there is no blessing there…

The Lord’s blessing comes in unity and unity can only come when we all submit in our proper places under Divine Order…

There is order in Nations, there is order in the Church, there is order in Families, there is order even within our own individual beings…

All things must be done decently and in order, this is the command of scripture…

When we do this, i.e. line up with God’s word in surrender to His Holy Spirit with His Holy Spirit doing the work through us, then there is blessing released on ourselves, our Families, our Churches and our Nations…

About andrew james horton

Hi, my name is Andrew James Horton... I am from Nu Tireni (New Zealand), born (05 September 1971) in Karaitiana (Christchurch), now in my early fifties... I am blessed to be married with five children and six grandchildren... :-) I am at present a Principal Structural Engineer living in Christchurch, New Zealand... I am passionate about prophetic intercession and about revival both in New Zealand and throughout the world... I am passionate to pray that the Church, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, will be all that He - the Lord Jesus Christ - desires her to be in our generation... Back in early September 2010 I felt that the Lord gave me the name of this blog site, "a house of prayer for the nations - prophetic intercession for worldwide revival" and wanted me to "put it out there" and start recording the prayers which were on my heart to pray in the hope that others would also be encouraged to share the prayers which were on their hearts to pray and that in the unity of the Spirit we could participate together in this activity in different locations around the world as He led us... If the Lord leads you, let's join together in prayer for the Lord's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in our generation... Love to All, Andrew
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